Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fragments & Other Short Poems...

So I'll seek rest and listen
to the peaceful noise of gentle
rainfall and the threatening
tumble of thunder and be calmed
by the whistling whir of the radio,
the low thump and cradle of easy
blues music, while I lay fingertips over
closed eyelids, releasing the
day's unease.


Now we see the slender scope of our
two-party system. Like a waddling toddler,
it risks its own demise on an unwieldy pair of legs,
two pillars, each one as unstable as the other.


The tree is a root perched upward
toward the heavens. It seeks nourishment
from a rich and fertile sky.
The sun's rays and the cloud's rain foster
new beginnings. And new ends bud
with life. Sturdy and rooted, it grows;
it presses forth, pressing forward, in step
with time, ever upward, ever deeper
into the sky.


like the precocious bud she blossoms
blushing pinks and reds she blooms
tickled by warm fingertips and sunlight
she smiles, blistering with youth


our love drowned in three rivers and
one ocean; the pools of water that
divided us

technological miracles could not
salvage the debris of a love gone


I am moved by his efforts, for he knows
me; I am not just a vague sketch lining the
outskirts of his consciousness, but rather
a course of being he knows by heart...


This city's old bones have a life all their own....


midnight's children
dance under moonlight
dreaming of dawn


a Kumasi woman
head heavy with water-filled urn
stands statuesque at the foot of the river