"Tulips" feat. in Contemplating Eve |
Just as in tennis and other disciplines, where the player is tested over the course of an entire tournament, the writer is judged across a lifetime. Ultimately, the tennis player wins because of his/her overall dexterity, training and will. In the same sense, a writer is judged by his/her body of work: just how prolific and how good s/he manages to be through training and other means matters.
As an author on Twitter and as an author who blogs, each platform gives me the opportunity to publish everyday. This blog, in particular, provides the opportunity to reflect and to analyze the course of my writing, the business of writing, my progress and my discipline.
Twitter is useful in that it allows me to publish poetry (140 characters or less) daily, follow the poetry community on Twitter and get timely advice and information regarding my craft.
These tools have been boons to developing my craft and the discipline of writing daily.