There are many advantages to submitting your work to a literary magazine or journal for possible publication. Although your entire manuscript may not be published, perhaps your best work will be represented in the pages of a major publication. Submitting your work to a literary journal is less arduous and less time consuming than publishing with a traditional publisher. Typically, you can have news concerning the status of your work within a few months of initial submission. While the competition is as stiff as it is in traditional publishing, there are many, many publications to choose from. New Pages compiles a listing of literary magazines, each with annual deadlines for poetry, short fiction, essays, etc. Take a look at the list and consider submitting some of your work.
The benefits of being published in a literary magazine are many. First, publication means that your work is being acknowledged by a notable literary community of writers & editors. It also means that your work is being selected among many other talented writers. Literary magazines and their literary reputations vary, but you can be sure that, whatever the publication, being published is a milestone. It can also be an important marketing element if you plan to self-publish. Along with reviews, noting that you received honorable mention in a writing competition in your latest book can be beneficial in demonstrating just how your work stacks up.
Finding the right fit for your work is important. In order to get a sense of the style of work published and the tastes of judges, do your research. Compare online and subscribe to a magazine. Often a magazine’s editors will allow you to submit your work, for a small reading fee, and obtain the magazine at a discount, this is a valuable arrangement. Take advantage of it where you can.
Last year, I submitted my poetry to three literary magazines for the first time in years. My poem, “The Return” (which you can read in an earlier blog post), made it to the semi-final round of the 2010 New Millennium Writings annual poetry competition. This detail is listed on the cover of my latest book A Dawn Run Hot with Morning. I posted the information in a previous blog (as detailed here), as well as on my Facebook Fan page. I plan to tweet the information soon. Finally, I have communicated the information to key customers & reviewers. Being nearly published in a major literary magazine is as much news as being published, in this case!
In addition to making news, I received an annual subscription to New Millennium Writings literary magazine, as well as a host of others. It has been a great pleasure and a tremendous boon reading the work of my peers. Interviews with competition judges, as well as excerpts of their poetry are also included within the pages of the magazine. Better armed with greater knowledge about the competition, I can make more informed selections when I submit my poetry next year.